Department Required Under the contact information, indicate which activities/habits that the department currently completes or has implemented into practice. If there are activities/habits that are not listed below that you would like to add in for point consideration please include that in the last box on this form. Fill out this form to the best of your ability, if you have questions or concerns please reach out to the program directly at Contact Name Required Contact Email Required Contact Phone Number Required Occupational Wellness The department provides opportunities for professional development internally or through external professional organizations. The department shows recognition for employees who accomplish important milestones within their careers ( I.e. research approvals, new certifications, performances, presentations, awards, etc). The department performs annual performance evaluations with their employees to recognize their employees areas of strength in addition to discussing areas of improvement to help build their professional development. The department encourages employees to use healthy work-life-balance practices to establish boundaries and separation of their work life from their personal life. The department supports flexible work scheduling as seen fit based on responsibilities. The department has brought their employees through the Clifton Strengths assessment and has had their employees identify at least their top 5 strengths. The department takes advantages of Diversity and Inclusion professional development or diversity discussions at least once a year. The department shares learning seminar opportunities through our University Human Resources department. Emotional Wellness The department shares information on services available to them through the Employee Assistance Program through meetings or displayed through posters within office space. The department displays signage for the Victim Advocacy program through the University of Nebraska CARE program. The department encourages their employees to go through the REACH suicide prevent training program. Environmental Wellness The department actively encourages team members to reduce waste generation through the use of reusable materials such as coffee mugs, water bottles, cutlery, grocery/food bags, etc. All team members within the department are knowledgeable about what can and cannot be recycled on campus through awareness of UNL's Recycling Guide. Employees are responsible for their personal waste items and transport them to proper locations. If department is included in the All in the Hall recycling program, all waste items should be disposed of within conveniently located, centralized waste stations located throughout buildings. The department encourages employees to be mindful of their energy use by turning off lights and other equipment (computers, monitors, copy machines, etc.) at the end of the day. If equipment cannot be shut down, check for low energy use settings. The department encourages employees to use re-fillable water bottles. The department provides messages and warnings when construction or changes to a work environment are going to occur. The department has clearly marked evacuation routes in case of an emergency and reviews safety plans or emergency plans annually with the employees. If suitable conditions exist, the department has one or more plants in the office space and a plan in place to effectively and sustainably care for the plant(s). The department hosts at least one sustainability-related learning opportunity (i.e. Sustainability on Wheels presentation during departmental meeting) for team members annually through partnership with the UNL Office of Sustainability. Financial Wellness The department brings in a Human Resources or Benefits staff member to talk about University Benefits, Firefly, and/or Health Insurance enrollment annually. The department shares the schedule of the University of Nebraska Federal Credit Union Lunch and Learn Seminars with all the employees. The department encourages employees to speak with the Retirement Consultants for TIAA and Fidelity. The department coordinates donations to programs such as Husker Pantry, Lavender Closet, and the Career Closet. Intellectual Wellness The department encourages employees to participate in new certifications, webinars, classes or continuing educations courses to expand their knowledge within their respective fields or interests. Physical Wellness The department encourages employees to fill out the annual Health Risk Assessment. The department encourages employees to take short breaks during their workday to walk, meditate, or stretch. The department implements the option to make take meetings outside and use a “walk n Talk” method version traditional stationary meetings or discussions. The department has ergonomic office furniture (.e. standing desks or stability ball chairs). The department adheres to and promotes the campus Tobacco Free Space policies and promotes the smoking cessation support services through the Employee Assistance Program. Social Wellness The department hosts at least 2 events per semester that allow employees to socialize in a non-work forced environment ( I.e. holiday parties, potlucks, etc.). The department displays Husker Safe Walk signage around the office to remind employees of services for those who work later hours. The department encourages the employees to partake on committees and working groups across campus. The department allows employees to listen to music (in an appropriate fashion) while they work. The department encourages employees to explore and browse artwork around campus. The department encourages employees to creatively display and spread messages and communication efforts between co-workers and across campus. Spiritual Wellness The department has established a set of values and regularly revisits them and refers to them during discussions. The department encourages employees to take time to meditate or journal throughout the workday. Additional Activities/Habits for Consideration Leave this field blank