HealthierU Wellness Liaisons

Liaison Description:

The role of the Wellness Liaison is to assist in the communication of the programs and offerings from the Employee Wellness Program, HealthierU, with their respective area/department. This volunteer position will champion relaying information presented to them in emails or meetings with colleagues. This individual will also be responsible for communicating with the Assistant Director of Employee Wellness if additional resources are needed for their department and assist in data collection during Inter-department challenges.

Meeting expectations: The Wellness Liaison team will meet quarterly to review upcoming information, programs, and offerings that will be available to the university community. In addition, they will be sent emails every other week on any updates or changes. Liaisons can reach out and meet with the Assistant Director of Employee Wellness whenever necessary if additional matters need to be discussed or covered.

Meeting break down:

  • Beginning of Fall Semester
  • Beginning of Spring Semester
  • Emails: Twice a month emails will be sent out on Mondays to relay any changes or updates to programs, offerings, or events.

Liaison requirements:

Must be a Full-Time Employee at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln

Can dedicate at least 2 hours to the role monthly, agree to at least a one year standing term

Be passionate about the well-being of not only yourself but of your colleagues and overall respective area

Erin Bauer

Department: Entomology

What Wellness Means to Erin: Wellness to me is allowing yourself time to relax and recharge, both in mind and body. We all have busy lives and are often tempted to forgo downtime, but it should be an integral part of each day just as eating and sleeping are :).

Erin Bauer

Lorri Benamor

Department: Business and Finance, Business Center

What Wellness Means to Lorri: Wellness means different things to different people. For me, wellness means focusing on those things that allow me to live my best life – physically, mentally, emotionally, socially, spiritually, and financially.

Lorri Benamor

Sydney Brown

Department: Center For Transformative Teaching

What Wellness Means to Sydney: For me, wellness is about physical and psychological resilience developed through a holistic approach to caring for oneself and others. When one is in a state of wellness, one is more likely to have hope, agency, and benevolence.

Sydney Brown

Kelcey Buck

Department: College of Education & Human Sciences, Pixel Lab

What Wellness Means to Kelcey: For me, wellness is the pursuit of being a well-rounded person. It is an effort to find healthy balances in all aspects of life so that life can be lived to its fullest.

Kelcey Buck

Meagan Counley

Department: Institutional Equity & Compliance

What Wellness Means to Meagan: Wellness means a lot of things to me and it touches every area of my life: professional wellness, emotional wellness, spiritual, physical, financial, etc. Often the first thing to suffer when we feel overwhelmed by work or stress is our wellness. Wellness should be a priority; it is a form of self-care. We all deserve to feel good about ourselves so we can do our best work and be the best version of ourselves.

Meagan Counley

Ashley DeWolf

Department: Aerospace Studies, AFROTC

What Wellness Means to Ashley: Wellness means continually striving to be the best version of myself today than I was yesterday. It means practicing healthy habits regularly so you’re mentally and physically thriving!

Ashley DeWolf

Sarah Giles

Department: Center For Great Plains Studies

What Wellness Means to Sarah: Wellness to me is a sense of balance embodying fitness, nutrition, social, mental health, finance and stress management.

Sarah Giles

Carrie Gottschalk

Department: Nebraska Extension, Zone 7

What Wellness Means to Carrie: I believe wellness means authenticity, self-compassion, openness, and willingness to learn and grow. Wellness is multidimensional and includes just about every facet of one's life, including interpersonal, intrapersonal, emotional, mental, physical . . . career, financial, spiritual, etc. It means caring for one's whole self, in all ways, grounded in compassionate self-love and self-acceptance.

Carrie Gottschalk

Jerri Harner

Department: Business and Finance/HR

What Wellness Means to Jerri: Wellness is rhythm. The rhythm by which we conduct our lives to be the healthiest versions of ourselves. This rhythm will change with time and seasons, but it will always consist of the patterns and practices that allow us to learn and grow.

Jerri Harner

Alyssa Havlovic

Department: Nebraska Extension in Lancaster County

What Wellness Means to Alyssa: Wellness is a fluid process in which we seek activities and lifestyle choices that support a healthy body, mind, and spirit.

Alyssa Havlovic

Erin Kampbell

Department: Nebraska Extension in Madison County

What Wellness Means to Erin: Wellness is a practice in which we cultivate different wellness facets in turn, from physical, emotional, and spiritual wellness to financial, social, and environmental wellness. Our focus ebbs and flows through the many areas of wellness, leading to continual growth and overall health.

Erin Kampbell

Sean Kruse

Department: Conservation and Survey, NE Geological Survey

What Wellness Means to Sean: I see wellness as an achievable goal we can strive for every day. The small victories in life are what keep us moving. With wellness and fitness, you provide yourself an opportunity to win and stay motivated. Wellness and fitness have also provided me with many hobbies that are not only fun, but keep me active!

Sean Kruse

Jessica McCain

Department: University Television (Nebraska Public Media)

What Wellness Means to Jessica: Wellness to me means an all-encompassing lifestyle that promotes healthy choices from nutrition, sleep, exercise, mental well-being, and all other categories.

Jessica McCain

Ellyn McCarter

Department: University Housing & Dining Services

What Wellness Means to Ellyn: Wellness is viewing yourself as a whole person, accepting that you are not perfect, and striving to improve through the daily activities you choose and the choices you make.

Ellyn McCarter

Jaylen Peters

Department: College of Business; Business Advising & Student Engagement

What Wellness Means to Jaylen: Wellness means taking an active interest in your mind and body's health and making conscious decisions to work on being your best version of yourself, whether that means bumping up your intensity levels at the gym, talking through your mental health with doctors/therapists, or even setting a goal to walk 1,000 extra steps each day. Wellness isn't "all or nothing" to me – even committing to 10-minute low-intensity walks is a step in the right direction.

Jaylen Peters

Hanna Peterson

Department: Nebraska Alumni Association

What Wellness Means to Hanna: For me, wellness means having a balance between the various aspects of our lives while also giving ourselves grace when things become imbalanced.

Hanna Peterson

Hollie Swanson

Department: Student Life

What Wellness Means to Hollie: Wellness to me is a state of contentment. Practicing healthy habits that nurture my physical and mental health so I can be my best self.

Hollie Swanson

Jannah Vanie

Department: University Libraries

What Wellness Means to Jannah: Wellness means feeling good, having positive energy, and engaging in healthy habits. Wellness comes in a variety of forms – physical, mental, spiritual, intellectual, etc. It’s important to focus on your own wellness so that you can fully show up in your places in life, whether that’s as an employee, as a parent, as a friend, or any of your roles. Taking care of your own wellness will allow you to promote and support the well-being of others, including colleagues, friends, family, and your community.

Jannah Vanie

Danna Walker

Department: GNBC-PREEC

What Wellness Means to Danna: Wellness has become a top priority in my life as I can feel a difference when I put in the work for practicing healthy habits or showing up with a positive attitude for each day. There are different dimensions of Wellness, which has been fun to explore as there are multiple resources available to strengthen your well-being. I’m very excited to be a liaison with UNL HealthierU as I believe that taking care of yourself first will bring joy and spread the positivity to others as one grows within that mindset.

Danna Walker

Chelsea Wilkinson

Department: College of Law

What Wellness Means to Chelsea: Attached is my fun profile photo. My pronouns are she/her/hers. I represent the College of Law. Wellness to me means creating positive and collaborative environments where people are able and willing to express their true selves.

Chelsea Wilkinson

Michele Wilson

Department: Counseling & Psychological Services

What Wellness Means to Michele: Wellness to me, the daily practice of balancing health in the areas of body, mind, and spirit.

Michele Wilson