HealthierU Wellness Liaison

Liaison Description:

The role of the Wellness Liaison is to assist in the communication of the programs and offerings from the Employee Wellness Program, HealthierU, with their respective area/department. This volunteer position will champion relaying information presented to them in emails or meetings with colleagues. This individual will also be responsible for communicating with the Assistant Director of Employee Wellness if additional resources are needed for their department and assist in data collection during Inter-department challenges.

Meeting expectations: The Wellness Liaison team will meet quarterly to review upcoming information, programs, and offerings that will be available to the university community. In addition, they will be sent emails every other week on any updates or changes. Liaisons can reach out and meet with the Assistant Director of Employee Wellness whenever necessary if additional matters need to be discussed or covered.

Meeting break down:

  • Beginning of Fall Semester
  • Beginning of Spring Semester
  • Emails: Twice a month emails will be sent out on Mondays to relay any changes or updates to programs, offerings, or events.

Liaison requirements:

Must be a Full-Time Employee at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln

Can dedicate at least 2 hours to the role monthly, agree to at least a one year standing term

Be passionate about the well-being of not only yourself but of your colleagues and overall respective area

Apply now

Wellness Liaisons

Portrait of Erin Bauer

Erin Bauer


Portrait of Lorri Benamor

Lorri Benamor


Portrait of Sydney Brown

Sydney Brown


Portrait of Kelcey Buck

Kelcey Buck


Portrait of Meagan Counley

Meagan Counley


Portrait of Ashley DeWolf

Ashley DeWolf


Portrait of Carrie Gottschalk

Carrie Gottschalk


Portrait of Jerri Harner

Jerri Harner


Portrait of Alyssa Havlovic

Alyssa Havlovic


Portrait of Erin Kampbell

Erin Kampbell

Portrait of Sean Kruse

Sean Kruse


Portrait of Jessica McCain

Jessica McCain


Portrait of Ellyn McCarter

Ellyn McCarter


Portrait of Graye Muir-Lewis

Graye Muir-Lewis

Portrait of Jaylen Peters

Jaylen Peters


Portrait of Hanna Peterson

Hanna Peterson


Portrait of Hollie Swanson

Hollie Swanson


Portrait of Jannah Vanie

Jannah Vanie


Portrait of Danna Walker

Danna Walker


Portrait of Chelsea Wilkinson

Chelsea Wilkinson


Portrait of Michele Wilson

Michele Wilson


Additional Information:

How to become a HealtheirU Wellness Liasion?

You can apply for the role using the application above. Make sure you discuss your interest in applying with your supervisor prior to submitting your application.

What if there is already a liaison within my department?

Depending on the size of the area/department and the desired request from your supervisor, there is room for discussion on having more than one representative from one area! If you are interested please reach out to the Assistant Director of Employee Wellness, Annalisa Mazza, at to see what options are available.

Can I be a Wellness Liaison if I do not physically work on campus?

Yes, as long as you are dedicated to getting the information out to your department, you communicate with the Assistant Director of Employee Wellness, and stay up to date with the programs and resources being offered, you can be a Liaison regardless of where you physically work.

Contact Us

Annalisa Mazza portrait
Annalisa Davenport

Assistant Director for Employee Wellness