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UNL Marketing and Communications

Move Across Nebraska

Employee Wellness Movement Challenge

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UNL employees are invited to participate in the first annual Move Across Nebraska Virtual Wellness Challenge! During this challenge, participants can choose to register in the walking, running, or cycling leagues. Registered participants will receive various challenge routes throughout the summer to be completed within a given timeframe.

Each league is divided into two difficulty categories, beginner and advanced. Each route has been specially designed to connect participants from one specific location within the state of Nebraska to another. When each new route is released, information about these specific landmarks will be included in the route launch email packet.

This challenge does not require participants to submit or record their workout data. The intention of this program is providing participants with a fun way to stay active and learn about different historical landmarks across the state!

Frequently Asked Questions about the Move Across Nebraska: Employee Wellness Movement Challenge

Do I need to complete the entire route in one workout or can it be broken up into multiple workouts?

The route distance can be broken up between multiple work outs.

What is the difference between the beginner and the advanced league? 

The advanced leagues contain routes with longer distances which make the more difficult to complete within the given timeframe. 

Can I register for multiple leagues?

Yes, you can sign up for each league, but you must select either the beginner or advanced difficulty. If you need to switch what league or difficulty you are in for the challenge you can reach out to the Annalissa Davenport, assistant director for employee wellness, at or 402-472-6170.

Registration is now closed. 

Contact Us

Annalisa Mazza portrait
Annalisa Davenport

Assistant Director for Employee Wellness