Getting Started with Gratitude Mindfulness Meditation Practices

Expressing gratitude through note writing

Monday, October 24, 2022

Madeline Wiseman

The principles of mindfulness by Jon Kabat-Zinni include gratitude to cultivate present-moment, non-judgmental awareness. Merriam-Webster defines gratitude as thankfulness, the state of being grateful. Antonyms include unappreciation.ii Gratitude helps us appreciate the world and remember its abundance. Gratitude practices affirm that goodness is outside of us, and we get much of what we receive from those in our lives, according to the Greater Good Science Center.iii

Why Cultivate gratitude

Mindfulness principlesiv help us cultivate a focus on the now. Gratitude has a unique quality to pay it forward. Gratitude pays others. We also pay ourselves.

Gratitude can be an antidote to toxic emotions (e.g., envy, resentment). It reminds us to refrain from whining and bellyaching. Greg McKeown recommends in Effortless to respond to complaints with statements of gratitude.v Such practices help quiet the Grumpy Gus, Debbie Downer, or Eeyore we sometimes experience in our own minds.

What Science Says

Research says gratitude works. Gratitude practices support mental and physical For example, writing letters of gratitude over several weeks, even if the letters were kept private, decreases negative emotions, enhances the use of positive words, and increases “we” word frequency.vii Such grateful work improves mental and physical health by decreasing blood pressure and heart rate, improving sleep, and decreasing stress.viii

How You Can Get Started

• Write thank you notes and gratitude letters. The Greater Good Science Center suggests writing the letter for 10 minutes, then budgeting 30 minutes to visit with the recipient.ix
• Engage in grateful thinking, such as mentally thanking people and counting your blessings. Harvard recommends selecting three to five things to identify weekly.x
• Send regular thank you emails. Shawn Anchor’s The Happiness Advantage offers a 21-day challenge that begins workdays with writing a two-sentence thank you email daily and before reading any items in the inbox.xi
• Keep a gratitude journal. The free meditation app Insight Timer suggests that listing things for which we’re grateful helps us cultivate a more grateful attitude toward life.xii
• Explore gratitude meditations. Spirit Rock meditation center lists several meditation talks from meditation teachers on the practice and power of gratitude and generosity.xiii

Whichever gratitude practice you explore, notice what you cultivate. Maybe you’ll become aware of a more grateful narrative of your haves. Maybe you’ll start telling more positive stories about your day to family and friends. Maybe you’ll note a greater sense of luck as your world feels more abundant, rich with wonder, and welcoming with supporters and kindness.

i  Kabat-Zinn, J. (2015, Apr. 24). 9 Attitudes Jon Kabat Zinn. Recovered Mindfully. YouTube.

ii  n.b. (2022). Gratitude. Merriam-Webster.

 iii What is Gratitude? Greater Good Magazine.

 iv Kabat-Zinn’s mindfulness principles include non-judging, patience, beginner’s mind, trust, non-striving, acceptance, letting go, and also generosity. 

 v McKeown, G. (2021). Effortless. Greg McKeown.  

 vi Brown, J. and Wong, J. (2017, June 6). How Gratitude Changes You and Your Brain. Greater Good Magazine.

vii Brown, J. and Wong, J. (2017, June 6). How Gratitude Changes You and Your Brain. Greater Good Magazine.

viii Henderson, B. (2021, Dec. 3) Gratitude and optimism may improve your physical, mental health. News Medical.

ix n.b. (2022) Gratitude Letter. Greater Good in Action. University of California, Berkeley.

 x n.b. (2021, Aug. 14). Giving thanks can make you happier. Harvard Health Publishing. Harvard Medical School.

 xi Anchor, S. (n.b.). The Happiness Advantage. Action Plan Guide. Good Think Inc. 

xii  Pikorn, I. (n.d.). From Writing A Gratitude List To Living A Grateful Life. Insight Timer.

xiii  n.b. (2021, Nov. 2). The Blessing of Gratitude. Spirit Rock.  

[1] Kabat-Zinn, J. (2015, Apr. 24). 9 Attitudes Jon Kabat Zinn. Recovered Mindfully. YouTube.

[1] n.b. (2022). Gratitude. Merriam-Webster.

[1] What is Gratitude? Greater Good Magazine.

[1] Kabat-Zinn’s mindfulness principles include non-judging, patience, beginner’s mind, trust, non-striving, acceptance, letting go, and also generosity.

[1] McKeown, G. (2021). Effortless. Greg McKeown. 

[1] Brown, J. and Wong, J. (2017, June 6). How Gratitude Changes You and Your Brain. Greater Good Magazine.

[1] Brown, J. and Wong, J. (2017, June 6). How Gratitude Changes You and Your Brain. Greater Good Magazine.

[1] Henderson, B. (2021, Dec. 3) Gratitude and optimism may improve your physical, mental health. News Medical.

[1] n.b. (2022) Gratitude Letter. Greater Good in Action. University of California, Berkeley.

[1] n.b. (2021, Aug. 14). Giving thanks can make you happier. Harvard Health Publishing. Harvard Medical School.

[1] Anchor, S. (n.b.). The Happiness Advantage. Action Plan Guide. Good Think Inc.

[1] Pikorn, I. (n.d.). From Writing A Gratitude List To Living A Grateful Life. Insight Timer.

[1] n.b. (2021, Nov. 2). The Blessing of Gratitude. Spirit Rock.  


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